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  • How do you know when you've found your voice?

How do you know when you've found your voice?

So, question for you…

How do you know what your brand voice sounds like, if you’re not sure what it is? 

And, then, how will you know if it’s yours when you do find it?

Let’s work this out, shall we?

Say, you hired me to help you find your brand voice.

How is it that I can find your voice with ease?

My experience?

My millions of words born into existence?

Yeah, you could say that’s part of it.

But there’s something waaay more juicy …

Wanna know?

Okay, huddle in.

When we sit together, I ask you questions.

And when I go to my wordsmithing den, I trust whatever flows through me.

It’s not a thinking process.

It’s a feeling process.

It’s intuitive.

It’s exactly the same as when you read the words and say,

Oh, that doesn’t sound like me.

Oh, yeah! That does sound like me.

When something aligns with your heart, mind and soul - it resonates.

Everything says, YES!

How is that possible?

Because, it’s already there!

Your Writing Exercise: 

  1. How would you like your reader to feel reading your words? 

  2. Note down these characteristics (eg. inspired, informed, empowered, uplifted, reflective etc.) because these will tie into your brand tone of voice.

  3. This week, focus on the feeling you want to convey whenever you write something.

Watch how your writing transforms!

Until next week… Thank you for being here.

Much Warmth,

PS. If you have any mind-boggling light bulb eureka moments…share them with me!