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Stop playing 'whack a hippo' in your life with Justine Campbell

Here’s your second Leaders Lane Interview. A 3-part chat with accomplished leaders on how they found their voice and grew their leadership presence, in hopes their wisdom connects you deeper to yours. Embody what you love, and pass it on.

Justine Campbell, Growth Alignment Coach


  1. Why do you love what you do? The desire to make an impact in the world. I know it sounds big, but by impacting on the individuals I work with, they then become the ripple starters that go out into the world.

    I moved from therapist to coach, because I couldn’t have the impact I desired as a therapist. As a therapist I felt like I was playing a game of ‘whack a hippo’–not moving people beyond just patching them up. The work I do now, helps them to clear the clutter and get clarity.

  2. What’s your greatest joy in life? In the context of my work…when I witness my clients no longer change who they are to fit into ‘their idea’ of who they “think” they need to be to take a seat at the table. When they realise what they’re bringing to the table and show up as they are.

    How can you bring value to the table if you don’t know who you are? Because the value is in you. Once you know who you are, and embrace who you are, there’s so much power in that.

  3. What are your leadership values? My leadership values don’t differ from my personal values. What you see is what you get.

    Care - I genuinely care about people. I give a sh*t. That’s where my craving for genuine connection comes from. Those in my inner circle get my full attention and I will do anything for them.

    Self Direction - It’s so evident in everything I do. I get sh*t done. I just get on with it. It’s also why my tagline is: Your life, your choices. That’s the way I see the world, because I’m self directed. I’m in the driver's seat, you’re in the driver’s seat. 

    Stimulation - I seek out different sh*t. It’s why I like meeting different people. I’m curious and I thrive on innovation, challenge and being outside of the box.


  1. How have you found your voice in business? It’s only been in the last year, particularly the past 6 months (and it’s an ongoing process) where I’ve really found my voice. I don’t give a damn what people think. I accept not everyone is going to like me, and I’m okay with that.

    I started by looking at the voices I didn’t like. Then I parked it and came back to me. After that, I did what worked for me. I stopped trying to fit in. I stopped looking at the numbers and the followers. The people who follow me choose to follow me, while I stay true to myself. Every day, I put something out and it’s not hard to write. I’m not writing to please anyone, I’m writing because I have a message to share. 

  2. One tip for others to find or master their personal brand voice?
    Just be unapologetically you. Your voice is your truth. Don’t dilute it.
    When you speak from a place of authenticity, the space of who you are, that’s attractive to people. And, if it’s not attractive, that’s not about you, it’s about them and their insecurities. Don’t be afraid to stand out, buck the system and talk about the elephant in the room.

  3. What do you wish you knew before you grew into your leadership shoes? I wish I had a better BS radar for people. On the other hand, I am where I am because of my past good, bad and everything-in-between experiences.

    I wish I knew it was okay to not have all the answers. Particularly in Asia–because the word for therapist is essentially “teacher”, it’s the knowledgeable one. You pay to see the therapist to get the answers. What if you don’t have the answers? 

    There is so much that makes up who we are. I wish I accepted that vulnerability is not weakness and leadership is not about being perfect, nobody is perfect. It’s how we navigate moments of uncertainty that defines us as a leader.


  1. What matters in life compared to what you thought mattered when you started your career/business? How do I make people feel, how do they make me feel? Because we’re feeling beings.

    You know that saying, “People will forget what you said and did, but they won’t forget how you made them feel.” That’s what matters.

  2. One person who inspires you to be a better leader? Brene Brown - she’s very straight up (in person). She won’t hesitate to speak her truth even if it makes other people uncomfortable. She inspires me to continue to be real, be awkward and unapologetically back myself 110%.

  3. What legacy do you want to leave behind? My legacy will be the people I have impacted who will continue to be the ripple starters.


Justine Campbell, is a Growth and Alignment Coach who bridges the gap between current and desired states, to help her clients build a life of significance—not just success. She works with the 1% who take ownership of their lives and want a straight-talking Coach who can show them how to get MORE… satisfaction, achievement, contentment - whatever MORE is to them. As a Master's Qualified Therapist and Marketing Specialist, -- Justine uses her therapeutic and business background to inform her coaching across all domains. She doesn't do therapy because her clients have done “the work to fix what's wrong” and now they're ready “to focus on what's right” and amplify their lives from there.

To learn more about Justine, visit her WEBSITE.